Monday, October 11, 2010

MISC Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I'd like to start off this blog by apologizing to my faithful readers (all two of you!) for being so neglectful lately.

Truth be told, life has been extremely busy for me lately. I know everyone's is, but I'm at a real crossroads in my life. In two months I will have completed my undergrad in English Rhetoric and Lit. I'm moving to Toronto for at ten month interim before I (hopefully) move to London, England to do my MA in Life Writing at King's College. I've got three weeks left at a job I have spent nearly eight years working at, which works out to be nearly one third of my life! I'm also getting ready to say goodbye to favourite profs, my hairdresser and trainer. They really have become family, and I'll miss them terribly. I'm not so upset about being hours away from friends. I know I'll see them. But it's the other people in my life, the ones that you promise to keep in touch with, and try as you might, it just doesn't happen. At least there's Facebook, right?

All of that sounds like I don't do well with change. That's not true. I love change and I think it's essential for growth. I'm excited about apartment hunting and cultivating a spot that is just my own. I'm excited about finding a job, meeting new friends and reconnecting with old ones, and living in an incredibly vibrant city where there is always something going on. I've already got tickets for my first event as a Toronto resident: "An Evening with Stephen Sondheim" at the Princess of Wales Theatre. Sounds fun, right?

I've had two incredible Thanksgiving dinners this weekend, and a third tonight. This afternoon I plan on curling up with some of my favourite Christmas movies. I'll be in Europe over Christmas this year, and won't get a chance to watch my favourites. Or maybe with all these changes I do need some tradition in my life...

-Andrew Jon-